What is the Manifest Operation?

Our History

Meet the Founder

My name is Wesley Davis. I am a real estate investor, entrepreneur and have a career in professional sales. I am passionate about growing with others and believe that my purpose on this earth is to inspire as many people as possible and create a legacy that will live on much after I am gone.

I’ve faced many challenges on my journey regarding access to business and mentorship opportunities. I always looked for a place I could turn to for access to connections that could help guide me in the right direction and help prevent potential mistakes. I’ve had helping hands along the way but there wasn’t a place that I could go to connect to business owners quickly and easily for a wide range of interest and industries.

I created the Manifest Operation to help bridge the gap between opportunities and those who are in search of them. My goal is that those who join and explore the Manifest Operation truly find value in the connections that are made and leave inspired to conquer their goals with new connections and potential mentors.

Follow me on Instagram to connect personally.

Our Mission

We Serve Communities

The Manifest Operation aims to serve communities and environments in which it is challenging to find opportunities for growth. We believe sustainable growth is a two-pronged approach that has to do with a person’s mindset and chances for professional help. By helping to bridge the communication gap of those who are successful in certain areas and those who want to be successful in those areas; we hope to make significant changes in these communities as well as the way that people think about connections as a whole.

Our Goals

We Create Opportunities

We aim to reduce the roadblocks to professional and business growth through the Manifest Operation.

Network of Role Models

A reliable, dependable network that was built to help you grow.

Convenient Online Access

Get access to mentorship no matter where you are.

Wide Scope of Topics

Our network of professional mentors can help with any type of business idea.

Want To Share Your Skills?

Join the Manifest Operation today and become one of our trusted mentors.

A New Way to Connect & Grow

Get Experience In Your Corner

Join our unique ecosystem of entrepreneurs and mentors looking to share knowledge.


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